Our History

The Alumni has its beginnings in the St. Hilda’s Old Girls’ Association since the mid-1900s, but was officially incorporated as St. Hilda’s School Alumni in 1982. The society was formed with an aim to develop and maintain a spirit of loyalty for the alma mater and to enable members to renew ties through various school-linked activities.
St. Hilda’s School Alumni also partners with the School and other stakeholders to support the present pupils, both in the form of awards, as well as in various school events throughout the year.
Alumni awards include the PSLE book prize, the Lim Kim Choo Award for the best all-round secondary four student and award for the best “N” Level student, as well as the Mrs A. Abraham Most Caring Awards for both students and teachers in both the primary and secondary schools.
Alumni presence and support is strong in all important events in both schools as well, such as the primary school’s Student Leaders’ Investiture, Sports Day, year-end award ceremony, and the secondary school’s Heritage Trail, Hildan Torch, Student Councilors’ Investiture, Founder’s Day & Prize-giving Ceremony.
St. Hilda’s School Alumni has played significant roles in many milestone occasions including the 85th Anniversary Carnival, the Combined Schools Founder’s Day & Prize-giving Ceremony, Hildan Vision Night, and Teachers’ Day Lunch. The Alumni also hosted the 85th Anniversary Thanksgiving Gala Dinner held in 2019.
From 110 members in 1986, the Alumni has grown from strength to strength, with more than 700 members today. The Youth Wing formed in 1999 helps the younger ones to stay in touch with the Alumni before they become full-fledged adult members.
To maintain contact between St. Hilda's School and her former students and staff.
To secure the co-operation and active support of the Alumni in carrying out the aims and objectives of the School.
To render general assistance to its members.
The Alumni Executive Committee is the governing body of the Alumni.
The Executive Committee consists of the President, Vice-President, Honorary Secretary, Assistant Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Assistant Honorary Treasurer, and 5 Committee Members.
Alumni Executive Committee for 2025
Ms Marilyn Ng
Ms Audrey Koh
Honorary Secretary
Ms Fiona Ng
Assistant Honorary Secretary
Ms Jeanette Wu
Honorary Treasurer
Ms Lam Suyi
Assistant Honorary Treasurer
Ms Cai Lizi
Committee Members
Ms Edwina Quek
Mr Jonathan Cheng
Mr Lee Kum Weng
Ms Lim Huishan
Ms Nur Raihana